Sunday, October 24, 2010

NLCS Game 6: Giants 3, Phillies 2 - GIANTS WIN THE PENNANT!!!!

The San Francisco Giants beat the Philadelphia Phillies in Game 6 of the NLCS to give them the series win and punch their ticket to the World Series.  This will be the first time that the Giants have made it since 2002 when they played the Anaheim Angels.

The game was the epitome of Giants baseball all season, torture and the great job that Bruce Bochy has been doing managing the team. 

Bochy's probably did his best managing job in Game 6 when he made five visits to the mound to change pitchers and make double-switches.

Bochy started by pulling Jonathan Sanchez after just 2 innings of work and then went to the bullpen.  The rest of the game became a congo line of pitchers; both starting and relievers.

Jeremy Affeldt was the first to come in and he had to start with two hitters already on base.  He managed to get out of that jam and he ended pitching two flawless innings and giving up zero hits.  The congo line continued as Bochy brought in Madison Bumgarner, Javier Lopez, Tim Lincecum, and ended with Brian Wilson.  And of course, Wilson saved the game in his normal fashion, with men on base.

The Giants have been the underdog all post-season and it appears that the trend will continue.  By all indications, the Giants are the underdogs and the Rangers are expected to beat the Giants, if you ask the "experts."  This is just fine with the players and the fans because unlike the rest of the entire nation they have watched them all season and they know what they have in this team.  A bunch of misfits who like to win games when they are close.

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