Sunday, September 5, 2010

Brian Wilson's neighbor

Anybody who has ever seen Brian Wilson interviewed or watched "Life of Brian" and seen the way he carries himself could tell you he is definitely and interesting guy and I would venture to question his sanity but that's part of the territory.  To be a closer you have to be off your "rocker", no pun intended.

Thanks to Andrew Baggarly of the Mercury News, I have found further proof of the weirdness of Brian Wilson.

Last week Brian Wilson appeared on Chris Rose's show "The Cheap Seats" and during the interview a man with an S&M outfit known as "The Machine" walks into the camera's view and back out of it.  It is a rather hilarious as Wilson denies anything happening and Chris Rose completely loses it.

If it ended there, that would be enough to make one wonder about Wilson but then he took it further.

But of course it didn't.

A few days ago Brian Wilson was on "Rome is Burning" and at the end of the interview he answers a Zach Morris style cell phone and begins talking with "The Machine."

While on the phone, "The Machine" tells him that he put something in his back pocket to bring on the show.  Wilson then pulls out a mask, the kind of mask that would go with the outfit that "The Machine" wore on Rose's show last week.

I doubt this will be the last we will see of "The Machine."

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