Tuesday, November 30, 2010

49ers 24, Cardinals 6: Post-Game Press Conference - When a Win Is Not Really a Win!!!

With a win over the Arizona Cardinals the 49ers moved within one game of the division lead.  The unfortunate part is that this win comes with consequences, which could ultimately take away their chance of making it to the playoffs.  The consequences are the injuries to both starting running back Frank Gore and starting center David Bass.  Gore left the game with a hip injury that was being reported as a season-ending injury and Bass left the game with a concussion.  Without Gore, who is their bell cow, the 49ers may not have what it takes to get those must needed wins within the division.  Gore offered the 49ers and Head Coach Mike Singletary the ability to not have a NFL caliber quarterback.  Now, without Gore, the 49ers may have to depend more on the Smiths and that could lead us down a road that does not end well for Mike Singletary.

Head Coach Mike Singletary
November 30, 2010
San Francisco 49ers

Opening Statement:
"First of all, I want to thank God for our players and coaches hanging in there and fighting and doing everything they need to do to win games.

On how Frank Gore was injured:
"I really don't know that. I'd have to look at the film to see really how he got hurt. We will know more tomorrow after we have some x-rays. We'll just have to be more definite about the injury tomorrow."

On if Frank Gore wanted to go back in:
"We put his helmet away. We hid his helmet. That'll answer your question."

On what Brian Westbrook showed on the field:
"The same thing he showed us in practice. He wants to play and it's really nice for him to have a chance to step up and make some plays. He did a nice job today."

On the team winning against the Arizona Cardinals three times in a row:
"I don't know. I'm sure that we look at their film, and some other things will jump out. We're still very fortunate to come in and win the game today."

On if winning against the Arizona Cardinals for the third time in a row is a confidence builder:
"I think it's just one of those things where the match-ups are what they are. We try to come in and play the best we can and go from there."

On how much of a carrot it is having the division title right there:
"When I look at our team and I look at our staff, the guys continue to work. They continue to fight and they continue to practice, it says a lot about who they are."

On if being able to do so well in the run game at the beginning made it easier to stick to the run:
"The game plan was really to try and establish the run. You're right, we were able to do it early on. It just made sense to continue to go back to it. Our offensive line did a really nice job."

On what the mentality was after the Cardinals fumbled and the 49ers went straight for the end zone:
"We were just trying to take advantage of everything that we could get. I think the offense responded well and made a play."

On if going with Westbrook was just a matter of going with the hot hand:
"The thing that we wanted to do, of course when you think about what he's able to do, the little guy, I just think the experience shows up. That's the thing that you really want to go with. You want to go with the experience. Of course, after we got going, they (Anthony Dixon and Westbrook) were both able to run the ball effectively so it turned out pretty well."

On how Brian Westbrook was able to have this kind of game after not getting very many carries up to this point:
"He's a pro. He's a guy that when he came in, we told him that it's a long year and you just never know when your number is going to be called. Just be ready to step up. He works hard and continues to play his role. I think tonight he had to step forward and he did."

On if he looks at Troy Smith's numbers and wishes that he had done better, or if the effectiveness in the run game made up for that:
"When I look at Troy, this is kind of what we would like to be able to do. It's not necessarily the group blueprint, but we would like to be able to run the ball more successfully. Our offensive line, hopefully they're continuing their maturity and their development and we can do that. We'd like to take all the pressure off Troy that we can and just allow him to make plays that are there and not try and force anything."

On if Troy Smith will remain their starter for another week:

On if this game put them on track:
"We're not on track yet. I just think that we have a big game coming up next week, and I think that will say a lot about who we are."

On if David Baas was injured:
"Yes. It was something like a slight head to head deal. I'm not sure if it was a concussion, I just know that they have to do all of the evaluating tomorrow. He was doing fine on the sidelines, but I think that the doctors were being smart, as well as our trainer, just decided ‘you know what, why don't we just keep him out.' We did that and I think it was a smart move."

On their secondary and how they always seem to have a good game against the Arizona Cardinals:
"We had a decent plan coming in and we executed. When you're able to do that, it makes a difference."

On how Vernon Davis had tears running down his face before the game and how he inspired the guys on the sideline:
"Vernon is always a guy that's very emotional. He loves the game. He loves football. Our guys know that. He's a guy that makes a big difference. There were a few guys with tears in their eyes before the game. It was interesting."

On Vernon Davis' message to the guys:
"I just feel like the guys know that we can play better. They know that it's been a year where we've had some tough losses. I just think it comes down to guys wanting to take a step forward and be who we can be." 

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