Monday, April 8, 2013

2013 Draft: Michael Hill | Missouri Western, RB

The 49ers have three legit running backs: Frank Gore, Kendall Hunter, and LaMichael James.  They also have special team standout Anthony Dixon, who probably will not make the team this year because he doesn't offer more than help on special teams.

It is time for the 49ers to start looking at life after Frank Gore and I fully expect them to draft a potential replacement with one of their thirteen draft choices.  In the next days I will post some potential options; players that can be had on the cheap and fly under the radar.  Since that is how Trent Baalke tends to operate.

Michael Hill is a player that most College Football fans have never heard of, probably because he played at Missouri Western.  I didn't even know there was a school Missouri Western, which is probably true for other fans.  Even with all that said, Michael Hill is probably a prospect that is worth discussing.

If you watch the tape I'm sure you will see a comparison to another NFC West running back,  Marshawn Lynch.  After watching the tape I could see the 49ers falling in love with this kid.  He runs about a 4.5 40-time but is a big-body back.  He would fit perfectly with Kendall Hunter and LaMichael James.  One of the things I like about him is that he can catch the ball too; he had 90 receptions in his college career and not all were of the short distance variety.  Some of the receptions on tape were go-routes.  Let's just say not to many running backs can do that.

Next up in the series of running backs in Marcus Lattimore.

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