Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Balmer AWOL from practice, Singletary not happy

As you probably know by now, Kentwan Balmer has been AWOL.  According to the 49ers, he has been dealing with some “personal issues” and his absences had been excused.  Until today….

Singletary asked Balmer to be back at practice today.

"Let me say this… I talked about… I talked to Kentwan and as simple as I can put it, I asked him to be here. He’s not here. Yes he is under contract. And the fact that he’s not here, that speaks to me. What it says, I really don’t know, to him.But to us, all I know is he’s not here. Fine. We’re practicing, we’re doing what we have to do, and we’re going to move forward."
The Mercury News was able to get an interview with Balmer by going and knocking on his door and was able to talk to Balmer about his possible return.

"That’s the plan."
When asked about the personal issues Balmer did not want to discuss them.

"People are making a big deal about of nothing, I feel like the 49ers could do a better job of saying that, but it’s not my place to say."

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