Wednesday, December 1, 2010

49ers vs. Packers: Offense Introducing Thunder & Lightning

With a short week for the 49ers, Mike Singletary met with the media again (transcript after the jump).  The discussion was around the absence of Frank Gore and what that means as far as how the new running backs will be used.  First thing first, Frank Gore's injury is not as bad as expected and therefore it will not require surgery according to Singletary.  

On another injury front, Singletary expects center David Bass to play after suffering an injury in Monday nights game.  If Bass could not go then Tony Wragge would take his place.

Now to the running backs that are expected to play Sunday.  Mike Singletary said that the 49ers are going to use a "thunder and lightning" approach with Brian Westbrook obviously the lightning and Anthony Dixon the thunder.

On whether he will use both Westbrook and RB Anthony Dixon:
“Yes; kind of ‘thunder and lightning.’ You know, that’s been used a lot through the years with running backs but with both those guys it literally is applicable.”

On whether Dixon is thunder:
“He’s going to be thunder.”
Singletary was also asked about Anthony Dixon's wide known problem of dancing around in the backfield before he hits the hole.  Singletary has been critical of Dixon from the beginning of training camp about this and would like Dixon just to run through the hole whether it is there or not.

On Dixon looking like thunder but playing like lighting:
“You know what, he’s got great feet and, you know, that’s something for him that, a lot of people would say is a negative thing because he has such great feet he can continue to try and fill the hole. But I think for what we want to, what we want him to do is be a little more disciplined toward hitting the hole and hitting it now and if it’s not there then try and make it there; try and make one there. I just think that he’s still learning what his style is going to be, but I’m very excited about the possibilities there.”
And finally before the transcript.  The 49ers signed three players to the practice squad today.  WR Bakari Grant, guard Nick Howell, and running back Xavier Omon were all added.  Bakari Grant, as you may remember, was in training camp with the 49ers earlier this year.

Head Coach Mike Singletary
December 1, 2010
San Francisco 49ers

On whether he has filled the 53rd spot on the roster:
“No, we’re still trying to figure that out.”

On whether that 53rd spot relates to the kicker position and whether he is 100 percent certain K Joe Nedney will be able to play against the Seahawks:
“No, I’m not 100 percent but I feel pretty good about it.”

On whether that roster spot relates to the center position and whether he has to wait and see C David Baas’ progress:
“You know, we’re, the Dave Baas situation, we’re just taking it a day at a time and as far as trying to fill that position, we just kind of have to look at where we are as the week goes on and as we practice, how some of the guys respond. So that’s kind of, we’ll just wait it out and see how it goes.”

On whether T/G Adam Snyder would be C/G Tony Wragge’s backup at center if Baas can’t play:
“It’s possible. I mean, he has, he does have some experience there, a little bit, very limited. But, you know, if we have to then that’s how we’ll go.”

On whether Baas will practice today:
“I’m not sure. What we’re going to do, it just depends on if our trainers and the doctors feel that it’s a good thing for him to come out. It’s not like we’re going to be banging each other today so we’ll see how it goes.”

On whether he has a general prognosis for what RB Frank Gore’s recovery is going to look like for 2011:
“As far as I know, from talking to the doctors, the hip injury is something that’s pretty - it’s a smaller fracture that initially looking at it, it does not require surgery. So that’s a wonderful thing and I think, you know, we will wait a few weeks and check it again and see how the progression is and just kind of go from there. But he should be fine.”

On the gains and losses of having RB Brian Westbrook as his lead running back instead of Gore:
“I just think they’re different kinds of runners. I think, you know they’re both experienced, they both understand protections, they both have the heart of a lion, they’re both leaders. I just think their style is a bit different.”

On whether Gore will travel with the team to Green Bay:
“I think right now we’re leaning toward staying here.”

On whether the team is traveling on Saturday:

On whether traveling on Saturday is odd for a game which will be played east of the Mississippi and the thinking behind it:
“Well the thinking is, it’s really the time of travel and the time change. I think the further east, you know, if we were going to Philadelphia or something like that we’d probably leave Friday. But having it that maybe it’s a three-and-a-half hour flight, maybe four or something like that, I think a two hour change, I think we’ll just leave the day before.”

On how the defensive secondary has improved since last year when it lacked speed and whether he thinks the 49ers are in a better spot to face Green Bay than last year:
“I think so. I think, I just think we’re more experienced overall. I think we’re more confident overall. I think our pass rush is a little bit better than last year. So, hopefully we’re able to put all of that to good use and see what it does for us this time around.”

On whether moving CB Nate Clements inside on third downs helped in tight spaces and overall team speed:
“Really, I think the biggest thing is being able to create matchups. I think, rather than just saying we move Nate inside or whatever, I think Nate allows us to do some things that maybe some other teams can’t do. But, you know, he gives us some flexibility and if you look at teams that have a more physical receiver or they have a receiver that’s tougher to get your hands on or whatever, Nate is a guy that does a really good job and takes that challenge that may be a little bigger or whatever it is but he does a good job with that so that helps us a lot.”

On CB Tarrell Brown’s performance:
“I think Tarrell is a young guy that continues to make progress and I think the more he plays the better he’s going to get. You know, he’s made some progress this year since the earlier part of the year, so as long as he does that, that’s just going to help us that much more.”

On whether he thinks the players view the upcoming Packers game as an opportunity to take down an NFL elite team:
“Well, I think for us, it’s just another opportunity to take another step. The way we look at it, at this time of the year, and you’re right; they’re considered a very good football team and in order to be considered a good football team you have to, at some point in time, beat some of those teams. So I’m sure that’s in the back of our minds, but the most important thing is just to prepare ourselves for this game and just continue to go forward.”

On LB Parys Haralson’s status:
“Just going to be day-to-day. That’s all I can say. It depends on how much the swelling gives and how much flexibility and strength that we can give to the ankle. So hopefully, hopefully, you know, he can go.”

On what he likes about Westbrook’s running style:
“When you look at Westbrook he’s a - he and Frank are very similar in terms of the way they hit the hole. They’re both kind of slasher kind of guys. I mean, they’re very instinctive, they see the hole, they can hit it and then that’s really the first thing that you notice about both of them. I think once they hit the hole, Frank is a little bit more, he’s more of a punisher and, and anticipator in terms of, ‘If there’s someone there in the hole maybe, maybe I can be more physical in the hole and go toward the guy and, and come off and make a step left or right depending on how I come off the guy.’ Westbrook goes through the hole and, you know, his, his ability to, after he slashes and makes that decision, his ability to just, the instincts really, really come alive; the spinning, the turning, the elusiveness that he has. So they’re different that way but very effective in the same way that they get from ‘A’ to ‘B.’”

On whether he will use both Westbrook and RB Anthony Dixon:
“Yes; kind of ‘thunder and lightning.’ You know, that’s been used a lot through the years with running backs but with both those guys it literally is applicable.”

On whether Dixon is thunder:
“He’s going to be thunder.”

On Dixon looking like thunder but playing like lighting:
“You know what, he’s got great feet and, you know, that’s something for him that, a lot of people would say is a negative thing because he has such great feet he can continue to try and fill the hole. But I think for what we want to, what we want him to do is be a little more disciplined toward hitting the hole and hitting it now and if it’s not there then try and make it there; try and make one there. I just think that he’s still learning what his style is going to be, but I’m very excited about the possibilities there.”

On whom his short-yardage running back will be:
“Don’t really know. We’ll get a feel for it this week, just somebody; whoever’s going to hit the hole and hit it and let’s go.”

On how he sees the distribution of the high number of touches Gore was consistently getting in each game:
“It’s kind of like I said yesterday. One of the questions was, you know, how, ‘What should we expect to see going forward? Should we expect you to go out and be physical and run the ball and just knock it in there?’ You know what, whatever it takes to win. If we got to throw it 50 times a game, hopefully that never happens, but if we got to throw it 50 times a game to try and win the game, we’re going to win the game that way. We got to run it; whatever’s working. We’re going to take what they give us and sometimes take it regardless but I think that’s how we have to go.”

On his thoughts about being one game out of first place in the lackluster NFC West division:
“Well, being that that’s where we are and we have the opportunity to get, to continue to move forward and win the division, my feelings are very positive.”

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